About success

Success is not a misty but a deliberate thing. We pursue the signpost for success. Joshua 1:28,1:8.You may have to do something so that you may become successful and if you don't,expect failure. Failure is deliberate. People choose to be successful or failure. All is in your hands. comfort is good and Comfort can comfort you for too long. people get comfort and when they get comfort they stop moving. However there are many people who settle comfortably whether they are poor, rich or whatever. Their language is all is good, nothing gonna be wrong. Excellence then is not an act but a habit. People can have a habit of patriot, success etc. Psalms 126:6 there are words which may mean repeatedly. Africans should rise and work for success. Growth comes with the challenges of management. If you don't manage your growth, then you are going to decline. Mathew 4:19-20, there are the first words that Jesus spoke to his followers “follow me and I will make you fishers of men”. Therefore if you are a leader and you look behind you find no followers, you must be out of your work and you are not a leader. Follow me on the other hand may mean trust me, watch my examples and so forth. Somebody cannot follow you if he don't trust you. A leader invites people to follow him. For this case ,a leader has to transform people from their system of belief, living or whatever to the leaders system or belief. Therefore leaders have to transform or make people. It is well known that the church has more power than the government. For this case, then, if the church is more powerful, it has to transform people. Jesus says “I will make you fishers of men” this is just changing the scope of fishing but still fishing. It is just using the same skill for different purpose of more values. People may use your skills you used and achieved very little,then by the same skills they achieve very much. An example here is Mike Tyson ,before becoming the world champion,he used to beat people in the street and being jailed. But Cus D'Amatho gained that and started beating people and being paid a million dollars,still beating too but for different values and purpose. Therefore,you may be very powerful,but the use will determine the value you achieve. You may use the same skills that yourself or someone else used and achieved very little to achieve very greater values. According to some researchers, 95% of all the self improvement knowledge are based in the Bible. They use the same bible but for different value. Leadership nowadays is not hereditary but acquired and learned. Luke 6:39-40 “can the blind lead the blind?” they will both fall into the ditch. If the country is poor and the president is asking “why are poor?” the parliament also “why are we poor?” the people asking “why are we poor?” then they are all poor and blind. In the church also if the pastor is asking the same questions that the congregations are asking,then the pastor is blind (change right now).There are three things that emerge from Luke 6:39;
1.  vision (the ability to see beyond what followers see).If you are in a line,the only one with clear vision is the one standing in the front. Leadership therefore requires vision.
2.    Influence-The ability to make people follow what you want them to follow. You must have a clear vision of where you are going before you want people to follow you. If you have never seen the future never tell people to follow you.
3.   Determination(destiny)-Leaders determine the destination of followers. You are where you are just because of who you have been following.