Thursday, September 26, 2013



“Neither the plague, nor war, nor small pox, nor similar diseases, have produced so disastrous results to humanity as the pernicious habit of onanism

The human being was made to live socially when Adam and Eve had sex in the Garden of Eden and lived together as wife and husband. There has been a great effect to masturbators today, for they are becoming ant-socialistic and they don’t prefer mixing with others. ONANISM is a sexual stimulation of a persons own genitals usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed manually by using objects or tools, or by combination of these methods. Masturbation with a partner is called mutual masturbation. Studies have shown that, both males and females regardless of their ages do masturbate though there is a variation depending on age and sex factors.
             People have developed various slogans concerning masturbation as if they incur no negative results from the malicious activity of onanism. For example, some people say “An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away”

                            METHODS OF MASTURBATION
The methods of masturbation differ between males and females. This is due to biological difference between the two sexes. Females use the following methods: strocking or    rubbing their vulva.This is simply done using free hands; normally soft hands are needed to avoid scratch. Some girls involve the use of soap or any other softening materials. The clitoris of a woman is the most nervous organ which plays the most important role on arousing stimulation. It is highly respondent to touch and emotion, hence feeling full sexual indulgence. Most hidden part on female genital is the G-SPOT. This is the simulative part found inside the vagina.It can be noticed very interesting to touch as it also makes a woman reach the  climax even before the penis penetrates. Through working properly with this part, a woman reaches the highest point of sexual pleasure. This has been found to be very useful for sex maniac women or girls as well as those with big bodies or fat women who always face difficult during their sex engagement. Nipples are two pointed mango like organs with a slightly sharp points at the end. It is these points which most African men are used to. This part is the first prestigious maturity indicator for most girls. This area including the buttocks and genital are considered to be very important and are always not supposed to be exposed because they are possessions of women, not only from Africa but also other parts of the world like Europe, America, Asia and Australia. In general, there has been a tendency of girls and women masturbating most of the time and any where even in public, though few people do discover whether a particular woman feels sex affliction by that time. This is done through different methods like:sitting,squatting,kneeling or lying on back or face down the corners of something like the wall of a house, a chair, a tree, under wear onanism,tighting of thighs(legs) even on the mass of people girls and women are seen clenching their muscles on their legs. Any cornered object that can touch the genitals may be used. As we will see in the following chapters, boys or men also do masturbate by clenching their muscles on their legs.
         Masturbation for males may be categorized into two categories which include the circumcised males and the uncircumcised males. uncircumcised males are more likely to masturbate compared to those with  no fore skin.onanism for both is done through rubbing of especially the glans penis though other parts may also be used. As for females males also use different methods to masturbate. They include lying on a comfortable surface like mattress or pillow and rub the penis against it. The operation is accompanied by either simulacrum or artificial vagina.They also uses watching of pornographic pictures to stimulate themselves and hence culminating into masturbation.

                       MUTUAL MASTURBATION
This is the division of masturbation techniques which involves two partners female and a man: this may be a prelude (fore play) or an alternative to sexual intercource.This may be used by fiancés who are waiting for their wedding.
There are different methods which are more technical and connected to scientific inventions. Males and females apply different objects when masturbating. Other objects have been even disastrous to life because they harm. Anal onanism using fingers, firsts, and objects etc.Science has discovered different tools like Dildos, vibrators, sex toys, anal beads and subian machines (Autoeroticism).
                  In 1994 Bill Clinton fired Joycelyn Elders who was surgeon general of the United States in pat because she advocated teaching masturbation in schools as a way of preventing teenage pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases (STDs).
                Techniques which are also used are Autofellatio (Oral stimulation of ones own penis as a form of masturbation. Another method is EROTIC ELECTRNOSTIMULATIO, which is the use of electrical tools to stimulate sexual romances. Phone sex – using virtual, Amy’s voice stimulating sex or discussing about sensitive sexual topics. In the fourth millennium BC.As read from the temple site on the island of Malta, depicts a woman masturbating. Pharaohs were at one time required to masturbate according to orders which were given by their god Autum.

                           RESEARCHERS ON THE KILLER ONANISM
There are different intellectuals who have studied and researched about masturbation and come out with various outcomes, they include the following:


The study titled Onania or the Heinous, Sin of self pollution and all its frightful consequences in a pamphlet first distributed in London in 1716 by him. It drew on familiar themes of sin and vice, this time in particular against the “Heinous sin, self pollution” with the dire warnings to those who so indulged would suffer:

·       Disturbances of the stomach and digestive system
·       Loss of appetite or ravenous hunger
·       Vomiting
·       Nausea    -The feeling that you have when you want to vomit
·       Weakening of the organs of breathing
·       Coughing
·       Hoarseness   -sounding roughly or unpleasant especially because of  sour throat
·       Paralysis  -a loss of control of part or most of the body caused by  a disease or injury to the nerves or is a total inability to move
·       Weakening of the organs of generation to the point of impotence  -being unable to erect for men
·       Lack of libido     -sexual desire
·       Back pain
·       Disorders of the eye and ear
·       Total diminution of bodily powers –reduction
·       Paleness  -strong  emotion, having the skin that is whiter than usual because of illness
·       Thinness  -not sincere or enthusiastic, lacking an important quality
·       Pimples on the face  -a small raised red spots on the face
·       Decline of intellectual powers
·       Loss of memory
·       Attacks of rage –a feeling of violent anger that is difficult to control, anger and violent behaviors caused by a particular situation.
·       Epilepsy -a disorder of the nervous system that causes a person become unconscious suddenly, often with violent movement of the body.
·       Fever and finally
·       Suicide –killing yourself deliberately

                                    ROBERT JAMES (1743-1745)
This is a British physician who published a medicinal dictionary, in which he described Masturbating as being “Productive of the most deplorable and generally incurable disorders” and stated that ‘There is perhaps no sin productive of so many hideous consequences’

He published L’Onanisme, his own comprehensive treatise on the purported ill – effects of masturbation.Tissot argued that SEMEN was an essential oil and stimulus that when lost from the body in great amount would result cause:

·       A perceptible reduction of weight
·       Reduction of memory
·       Reduction of reason
·       Blurred vision
·       All the nervous disorders
·       All types of gout and rheumatism  -a disease that makes the joints painful, stiff and swollen
·       Weakening of the organs of generation
·       Reduction of blood in the urine
·       Disturbance of the appetite
·       Headaches
·       A great number of other disorders

                      LAWS AND MASTURBATION

In 17th c Law code for the puritan colony of New Haven, Connecticut stated that “blasphemers, homosexuals and masturbators” were eligible for the death penalty.Tissot arguments were acknowledged by Immanuel Kant and Voltaire.                                       
                                ELLEN G. WHITE (1870)
   Ellen G. White wrote about masturbation in her Book “A solemn Appeal” and condemns that ‘if self indulgence is continued from the age of 15 to upward, nature will protest against the abuse he suffered due to onanism and continues to toil from 35 years to about 45 years by numerous pains in the system and various diseases such as :
  • Affection of the liver
  • Affection of the lungs
  • Neuralgia  -a sharp pain felt along the nerve, especially in the head or face
  • Rheumatism -a disease that makes the joints painful, stiff and swollen
  • Affection of the spine
  • Diseased kidneys and cancerous tumors –cancer is the disease in which growth of cells (called cancers) kills normal body cells and this result to death.
  • Death is the results of the fine for masturbation

Females possess less vital force than other sexes and are deprived very much of their bracing, invigorating air through their in - door life.

                    JOHN HARVEY KELLOGG

               Harvey claims that “Neither the plague, nor war, nor small pox; nor similar diseases, have produced results so disastrous to humanity as the pernicious habit of ONANISM effects caused by Onanism:

·       Cancer of the womb
·       Urinary diseases
·       Nocturnal emissions  -releasing of gases from the body  during the night
·       Impotence
·       Epilepsy
·       Insanity –actions that are stupid and possibly dangerous
·       Mental and physical debility
         (Dimness of vision was only briefly mentioned)

    Quote; whether you think that sex is the sole joy in life, or less satisfying than a cup of tea, the root of our entire psychological make- up, or nothing but a biological mechanism for mixing up genes, whether you think it is dirty, dangerous and deplorable, or dirty, wonderful and fun, it is difficult to ignore it- in either the waking on the dream words. This should help you see that what is past is over and gone.
Stephen. L. Harris 2003, Understanding the bible, 6th Ed, Mc Grow hill; Higher Education.
Leila Bright (2003),Teach Yourself Dream interpretation, McGraw Hill Companies.

Frequency of masturbation is determined by many factors which include the following:
1.     Ones resistance to sexual tension
2.     Hormone level influencing sexual arousal
3.     Sexual habits
4.     Peer influences
5.     Health and ones attitude to masturbation formed by culture
(Medical causes also have been associated with masturbation)
E.Heiby and J.Becker

ALFRED KINSLEY 1950s on US population study, 92% men and 62% women masturbated at a certain point of their lives. The British National probability survey, it was found that, for the age between 16 and 44 years; 95% men and 71% women masturbated at certain points of their lives. More wondrous 53% men and 18% women masturbated previous seven (7)  days.73% men and 37% women, four weeks before the interview.
               It appears that women are less likely to masturbate  while in an active relationship compared to men.


1.     Masturbation may increase fertility during intercourse. A 2009 Australian study found daily ejaculation to be an important factor in sperm health and motility.
2.     Female masturbation may protect the cervix from infections by increasing the acidity of the mucus and by moving debris out of the cervix.
3.     Female masturbation alters conditions in the vagina,cervix and uterus, in that that way can alter the changes of conception from intercourse depending on the timing of masturbation. A woman’s egg between 1 and 45 minutes favors sperm reaching her egg.
4.     In males, it flushes old sperms with low motility from the males’ genital tract. The next ejaculate contains more fresh sperm with higher chances of achieving conception during intercourse. If more than one male had intercourse with one (1) female; The sperm with high motility will compete more effectively.

  1. It is held in many mental health circles that can relieve depression and lead to                                              a sense of self esteem.
  2. It is useful in relationships where one partner wants more sex than the other in which case masturbation provides a balancing effect and thus more harmonious relationship.
  3. Mutual masturbation allows each partner to learn how others are doing it.
  4. The cancer council of Australia led by Graham Giles in 2003 research found that men masturbating had a lower probability to develop POSTATE CANCER. Men averaged 5 or more ejaculation weekly had significantly however risk. 2008 study also found it so.
  5. A study published in 1997 found an inverse association between deaths from coronary heart diseases and frequent of orgasm even given the risk that MYO cardinal is chaemia and myocardial infection can be triggered by sexual activity, (orgasm cause mortality).
  6. A 2008 study at Tabrisz Medical University found ejaculation reduces swollen nasal, blood vessels, freeing the air way for normal breathing.
  7. Masturbation is a tool to protect a person from STDs.In EU Nations includes masturbation and promoted the practical. Sexual climax from masturbation or otherwise leaves one in a relaxed and contented.

    • Inserting objects risks being stuck. Example a woman in GERMAN presented at hospital with two pencils in her bladder.

                                           BLOOD PRESSURE
    • Both sex and masturbation lower blood pressure (recent studies)


    • Mutual masturbation can result into pregnancy only if semen contacts the vulva.Bodily fluids  can contact STDs
                                  Male Masturbation may be used to obtain semen for third part reproductive procedures. For example Artificial insemination and IVF which may involve either a donor sperm or a partner. [Masturbatorium Sperm bank (US) or Men’s production room (UK)].In these junctures, pornographic pictures are made available for easy Masturbation.

                                 PROBLEMS FOR MALES
“Phimosis”-a contracted fore skin that may cause trouble by hurting when an attempt is made to pull the fore skin back. Rarely sustain penile fracture or suffer from peyronies disease.


 HYPERSEXUALITY (compulsive masturbation)
Excessive or compulsive sexual behavior is generary understood to be a symptom rather than a cause and masturbators thought to be mastery over sexual impulses, seductive behaviours, sexual abuse and emotional problems all of which are addressed by psychological help or mental help.

                            PHILOSOPHICAL ARGUMENTS
Immanuel Kant regarded it as a violation of the moral law. Man uses himself merely as a means for the gratification of an animal drive. (1797; Metaphysics of morals).
(UK 2009) encouraged it as an escape of STDs.

                            OTHER EXPRESSIONS OF MASTURBATI0N
Pleasuring oneself, slung example wanking and jerking off, self abuse and self pollution in early modern times even today’s dictionaries.


For many adults, the most important close relationship is a Romantic-Sexual one in which two individuals develop strong Bonds and think of themselves as a couple. Whether a couple is Dating, cohabitating or married and whether it is a mixed Gender or same Gender relationship. Gender is the most important influences on the structure and functioning of the couple relationship.

The women in one of the study of adult married couples, the women rated the following characteristics as significantly more desirable as the men did. They desire a man who is:

·       Considerate
·       Honest
·       Dependable
·       Kind
·       Understanding
·       Fond of children
·       Well liked by others
·       Good earning capacity
·       Ambitious
·       Carrier-oriented –some one who carries the burden of others
·       Good family back ground
·       Tall

The men rated these qualities as significantly more desirable for a spouse than the women did:
1.     Physically attractive
2.     Good looking
3.     Good cook
4.     Frugal –small, plain and not costing very much

There is a widely held stereotype that “nice guys finish last” with women. In the intrapersonal attraction sweepstakes.


Part of the stereotype that men have strong sex Drive than women is a belief that men are more frequently and more easily sexually aroused by EROTIC Materials. Most materials which are meant to be sexually arousing are produced for a male audience. The materials present a view of women idealized in terms of physical beauty and belittling (as passive objects of sexual desires, as bodies rather than people).This has reinforced the myths of male sexual dominance and female sexual powerlessness and passivity.
                Pornography industries make millions of dollars per year in sales to men. But does it make sense on any other dimension? What is the impact on men and women? How does it fit into the larger problem of coercive sexuality?

In general, it appears that both males and females can be as physically aroused by the typically available x-rated films and videos (Griffitt, 1987), and women and men can masturbate to orgasm equally quickly when viewing these materials, but women are less likely to search these materials than men do. (Letenberg and Henning, 1995)

Penile strain Gauge-is a flexible loop that fits around the base of the penis and measures vasocongestion in males while for women, arousal is also measured through vasocongestion using a Photoplethymography-a tampon like acrylic cylinder that fits inside the entrance to the vagina.

Viewing or listening to sexual arousing materials may be an effect on the level of sexual interest
1.     Level of sexual interest
2.     The performance of particular acts
3.     The perception of one’s sexual partner
4.     Satisfaction with one’s sexual relationships

         Example: Other men do find no increasing of sexual activity although there was a significant increase in masturbation on the day of exposure (M.Brown, Amoroso, and Ware, 1976)
5.     Exposure to erotica material may affect a man’s evaluation of his mate. Men but not women, who saw a series of nude photographs from playboy, penthouse and playgirl magazines later rated their mates as les sexually attractive than did their counter parts, who were exposed instead to pictures of abstract art.
Due to pornographic films and pictures myths have been developed like “Every woman secretly wants to be raped” (Demare `, priere, and Lips, 1988, Malamuth and Check, 1981).They are likely to rape or use of actual sexual coercion or force (Demare` et al,1988).Men are the main consumers of pornography.
   Sexual violence against women can cause women to feel disempowered and the exposure to pornography affects women’s feelings about themselves and their attitudes towards men, although these relationships have not been extensively researched.

Is a sexual relation between relatives, often coercive and exploitative because in many cases it involves an older powerful relative forcing sex on a younger, inexperienced one. Studies show that female children tend to be sexually victimized by adult males more often than male children are victized by males or females.

Studies in 1966 by the pioneers of bodily reactions of people engaged in sexual activity. William Masters and Virginia Johnson, published data on 382 women and 312 men whom they had observed in thousands of cycles of sexual arousal and Orgasm.

For both sexes, the physical response to sexual stimulation was described as four phases:
a) Excitement
b) Plateau
c) Orgasm
d) Resolution

Vasocongestion and Myotonia are physiological processes involved in these phases.VASOCONGESTION-Is the accumulation of blood vessels of a particular region.MYOTONIA-Is the muscle contraction.

This is triggered by any of a variety of sexual arousing stimuli.Vasocongestion of the genital organs begins to occur. The increased blood flow to males causes the penis to become erect, within few seconds of stimulation. For Women-increase of blood flow causes fluids to seep through the membranes of the vaginal walls, producing lubrication. The glans of the clitoris swells. In both sexes nipples may harden and become erect as a result of contraction in muscle fibers. Labia swells and upper two thirds of the vagina expand. In males the scrotum is pulled closer to the body and testes begin to be elevated. Both males and females there is an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. The erect penis cannot be ignored as easily as the moist vagina.

If stimulation continues with sufficient intensity, a peak level of vasocongestion is reached in the plateau phase. The rate of breathing, pulse rate and blood pressure increase further. The penis becomes fully erect; testes swell and are further elevated. In females, the clitoris retracts, labia deepen in colour and orgasmic platform is formed by swelling vagina surrounding tissues. The withdrawal of the penis before orgasm is popularly called “Blue balls” by men.


In both sexes, the arousal reaches the critical point. It triggers orgasm, a series of involuntary Rhythmic contractions of the pelvic organs. For males, the vas, seminal vesicles and the prostate grands start contractions to force the semen into position of in bulb at the base of the urethra. Once this happens, ejaculation is inevitable.Next; the bulb and the penis begin rhythmic contractions, causing the ejaculation of the semen.

     For females, orgasmic the series of contraction of the orgasmic platform and the uterus. Surrounding muscles may also contract. In both sexes, pulse rate, blood pressure and breathing increase sharply and muscles throughout the body, example legs, thighs and the back may contract. The whole process last only a few seconds.

Female ejaculation has been speculated to be linked to an area called G-SPOT (In honour of a physician named Grafeinburg who first raised the possibility that this area was especially sensitive one, this is located on the topside of the vagina.

Following orgasm the body enters resolution phase. The process which led up to orgasm-vasocongestion and myotonia are reversed. Muscular tension is relaxed and blood is released from the engorged blood vessels. In women, the clitoris shrinks in its normal size, the orgasmic platform relaxed and the vagina uterus return to normal.
          In males, the erection of the penis is lost; the scrotum and testes return to normal. Resolution takes 15 to 30 minutes after orgasm. However when orgasm has not occurred, it can take up to an hour.” Without orgasm women become discomfort”
          Men experience a refractory period lasting a few minutes to 24 hours during which they typically can not be stimulated to erection and orgasm. No such refractory period occurs for women, making it possible for them to experience multiple orgasms and need more games after the first round (Game).

          The myth of the vagina orgasm arising from FREUDIAN MISCONCEPTION THEORY was that, females can experience two distinct kinds of orgasm:
          1. Resulting from clitoral stimulation and
           2. A different (better) from stimulation of the vagina by the penis during       
Stimulation through the clitoris as seen in the process for women maturation Freud called it “Infantile”

However masters and Johnson research undercut the distinction between the clitoris and the Vagina orgasm as vagina intercourse can indirectly stimulate the clitoris by pulling on the clitoral hood to move back and forth against the clitoris. Thus clitoral stimulation is usually what triggers orgasm and the vaginal orgasm does not make sense.

(I)             Intrusive sex –Involves touching others sexual parts in a sexual way such as touching their penis, vulva, buttocks or breasts without their permission (This is exploitive as it is connected to the use of power)
(II)           Pain exchange –Giving or receiving of pain (sadomasochism) or S & M is a type of sexually addictive behaviour in which pain is associated with sexual pleasure.
(III)         Exploitative sex – A step beyond intrusive sex and involves forcing of another person to engage in sexual contact. For example Rape.
(IV)         Exhibitionistic sex – Includes flashing of sexual parts of the body in public, sometimes while wearing of clothes designed to exposure. Posing for pornographic pictures or films or having sex publically.
(V)           Voyeuristic sex – Focused on observing other people engaging on sexual activity rather than engaging in sexual contact yourself. For example pornographic pictures, pictures in books,magazines,the computer, pornographic films, peep shows or secretly observing other people when they might be naked or having sex.It tends to be combined with the point of injury.
(VI)         Trading sex – Sex is treated as a commodity. For paying for sex, transaction is receiving money or drugs for sex or using sex as a business.
(VII)      Paying for sex – When a person pays for prostitutes or for sexually explicit. Phone calls also inhibit genuine connection.
(VIII)    Anonymous sex –Aroused having sex with strangers.
(IX)         Seductive role sex – Focuses on charming, persuading or manipulating others for or into sexual contact.
(X)           Fantasy sex – Obsession with sexual fantasy, rather than the reality of genuine sexual feelings, sexual behaviours and relationships.

(1)   Self stimulation
(2)   Heterosexual
(3)   Homosexual
(4)   Contact with animals


·       Use Amy’s voice as much as you can to stimulate your partner coming into sexual pleasure.
·       Hold and Hug each other in a sweet pause.
·       Present gifts and Surprises to your partner timely as you can.
·       For men and women, buy Love flowers to your partner to emphasize and show love to her.
·       Beautify your partner and always express how much you care, how much you love, how much and for how long you wish to live with him or her as your partner.
·       Get an extra time for sharing food, drinks and pleasure out of your home. For example you may choose to visit one of the near or far Beaches, attractive sceneries or beautiful environments.
·       Express your desire, faith and expectations for more and better life in the future.
·       Make exercise and play together


o   Addictive behaviours  - causing or likely to cause addiction
o   Amy’s voice
o   Anal beads - relating to or situated near the anus
o   Anonymous sex - having no individual or unusual features. ORIGIN C16: via Late Latin from Greek anonumos 'nameless' (from an- 'without' + onoma       'name') + -ous.           
o    Autoeroticism -  auto-erotic adjective relating to sexual excitement generated   by fantasizing about or stimulating one's own body
o   Autofellatio
o   Belittling - belittle verb dismiss as unimportant.
o   Blood pressure - blood pressure   noun the pressure of the blood in the circulatory system, which is closely related to the force and rate of the heartbeat and the diameter and elasticity of the arterial walls.
o   Blood vessels - blood vessel blood vessel noun a tubular structure carrying  blood through the tissues and organs; a vein, artery, or capillary
o   Bulb - a rounded underground storage organ present in lilies and some other plants, consisting of a short stem surrounded by fleshy leaf bases and lying dormant over winter. An expanded or  rounded part at the end of something. A hollow container from which air can be expelled by squeezing used to fill a syringe, pipette, etc.

Middle English: via Latin from Greek bolbos 'onion, bulbous root'.
o   Cancer noun Astronomy a constellation (the Crab), said to represent a crab crushed under the foot of Hercules. Astrology the fourth sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters at the northern summer solstice (about 21 June).
ORIGIN, from Latin
o   Cancer of the womb
o   Cancerous tumors
o   Cervix      noun (plural cervices) the narrow neck-like passage forming the lower end of the womb. Technical the neck. ORIGIN     C18: from Latin
o   Climax – the most exciting point or important event in time; the highest point of sexual intercourse.
o   Clitoral hood
o   Clitoris – the small sensitive organ just above the opening of the woman’s vagina that becomes larger when she is sexually excited
o   Cohabitating
o   Compulsive masturbation
o   Cook- informal alter dishonestly.  (cook something up) concoct a clever or devious story, excuse, or plan. (be cooking) informal be happening or planned. North American informal perform or proceed vigorously or very well.             Noun a person who cooks, especially as a job. PHRASES cook someone's goose informal spoil someone's plans. ORIGIN Old English coc (noun), from popular Latin cocus, from Latin
o   Coronary heart diseases
o   Couple
o   Critical point
o   Deductive behaviours
o   Depression
o   Dildo
o   Diminution
o   Ejaculation
o   Emotion – strong feelings of love, anger or fear
o   Epilepsy
o   Erect
o   Erotic electronostimulation
o   Erotic materials
o   Exhibitionistic sex
o   Exitement
o   Exploitative sex
o   Fantasy sex
o   Flashing
o   Fore play
o   Fore skin – the  loose piece of skin that covers the end of a man’s penis
o   Frugal
o   Gender
o   Genitals – also genitalia;a person’s sex organs that are outside their body
o   Glans penis  -  the round part at the end of the man’s penis; also glans   of a woman’s clitoris
o   Gout
o   G-Spot - a sensitive area inside a woman’s vagina that is thought to give great sexual pleasure when touched.
o   Heterosexual
o   Hoarseness
o   Homosexual
o   Hormone
o   Hug
o   Humanity – people in general
o   Hypersexuality
o   Impotence
o   Incest
o   Infantile
o   Insanity
o   Intellectual power
o   Intrusive sex
o   IVF
o   Labia
o   Libido
o   Memory
o   Mental debility
o   Motility
o   Mutual – shared by two or more people, it describes the feelings that two or more people have for each other equally or actions that affect two or more people equally.
o   Myocardial
o   Nausea
o   Neuralgia
o   Nocturnal emission
o   Onanism-  Coitus interruptus or masturbation
o   Orgasm - the moment during sexual activity when feelings of sexual pleasure are at their strongest.
o   Orgasmic platform
o   Paleness
o   Paralysis
o   Peep show
o   Pelvic organs
o   Penetration - the act of a man putting his penis into his partner’s vagina or anus.
o   Penile Strain Gauge
o   Pent house
o   Peyronies diseases
o   Phimosis
o   Photoplethymography
o   Physical debility
o   Pimples
o   Plague    -  an infectious disease that kills a lot of people, see epidemic
o   Plateau
o   Play boy
o   Play girl
o   Pornography
o   Postate cancer
o   Prelude
o   Prostate gland
o   Rage
o   Rape
o   Reason
o   Resolution
o   Rheumatism
o   Romance
o   Sadomasochism
o   Scratch - to rub your skin with your nails, usually because it is itching.
o   Semen
o   Seminal Vesicles
o   Sex – the state of being male or female.
o   Sex toys
o   Sexual abuse
o   Sexual indulgence – allowing yourself to engage in sexual intercourse however you want even if it is not important
o   Sexual intercourse
o   Sexual violence
o   Sexuality
o   Sexually explicit
o   Simulacrum – something that is made to look like somebody or something else, a device that is made to look like a woman or a man to be used for sexual stimulation
o   Small pox – a serious infectious disease that (now extremely rare) that causes fever, leaves permanent marks on the skin and often causes death.
o   Spine
o   Stereotype
o   Stimulation – encouraging something develop or become more active and make somebody interested and excited about it or making a part of the body function
o   Stimuli
o   Subian machines
o   Suicide
o   Testes
o   Trading sex
o   Uterus
o   Vagina – the passage in the body of a woman or female animal between the outer sex organs and the womb.
o   Vasocongastion
o   Virgin
o   Voyeuristic sex
o   Vulva – the outer opening of the female sex organs
o   Wanking
o   Withdrawal

“Breeding soundness examination of the stallion”                                            pet 29-05-2011.
“Case report “A foreign body in the urethra.Mcpartlin, Daniel; Adam P.Klausner (09-09-2005).
Masturbation, Tentra and self love.
Ellis Havelock (1927) studies on the psychology of sex 3rd Edition Volume I, section I “The sewing machine and the bicycle”
Knowles, Jon (2002 – 2015) “masturbation –from stigma to sexual.
Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary: eighth edition, oxford university press


A) .Contraception refers to scientific and local methods which are preliminary  used to control both fertility rate and sexual diseases (STDS) , however many people nowadays are using contraception for preventing unwanted pregnancy and this mostly to the modern society (youths) using such as condoms, pills, withdraws to avoid unwanted pregnancies fearing to have an immediate family or child without preparations.

B) .Contraceptives means ways ,methods, or instruments  which are  used to control, regulate, balance, achieve, minimize, or restricting of the fertility rate (in terms of the born human born)as well as being aware or avoiding the sexual transmitted diseases. In fact there are many contraceptives but among of them are as follows

 Calendar following;  many (menstruation cycle) many people trying to count the safe days and dangerous days up to 28 days thus in between 2 days before the menstruation they are able to perform sexual intercourse and 2 days after menstruation, they are able too, how ever this may vary from period to period it is advised to be having enough knowledge about the use of it.

Withdrawal; this is the other way where by man pull out of the vagina his penis before ejaculation how ever it is good but not very much advised  to use it because there are other men who ejaculate the semen before the first round( pre ejaculation) thus it is not acceptable by different races , religion and society.

Cervical caps dome/ thimble; is the shaped rubber appliances designed to cover the cervix for example the opening of the mouth of the uterus remain the place by suction and the degree of suction depends on the tightness of the fit, thus this may be through complicated ways and not advised by many people to be used how ever it is used mostly to the developed nation or countries.

Condoms;  female and male condoms do not allow the ejaculated semen to penetrate/ enter directly to the vagina thus most preferred  by many people because there is no complication, easy to use it  and essay to carry it and mostly preferred to be used by the youths in many different fear of life.

Spermicidal; these are chemical, jells so as to kill the sperm immediately after entering the vagina, it is not good because as it is chemical may destroy some human reproductive organs and not advised by many religious polarity  and society interests. It is against humanity.

C) .In most current society or modern society use such contraceptives   including condoms pills, diaphragm, implants and cervical caps for purpose of the following researched reasons as follows:

Avoiding unwanted pregnancy ; many people especially youths prefer  to use such contraceptives like condoms , pills and others because they perform an act of sexual intercourse  by only  determination  of PASSION not by using intellect  and will, thus they  tend  to make and use like condoms, pills implants to fear the outcomes of sexual intercourse which is most pregnant.

For family planning reason; many people in this current society use contraceptives for family controlling number and this occur whether the family members are enough so they decide to use some contraceptive like condoms or pills to make standard of their wanted children. Or like wise one member of the group / family is affected by any sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) they decide to use contraceptives to make safety to one another either mother, father or child.

Sexual desires reasons;   many people use the contraception methods   involuntary, not voluntary due to their sexual desires thus to avoid any impact of these impacts, they tend to use any of the contraceptives methods. This mostly occurs   to school, students, University students, Night clubs, Bars and any other attractive congregation where people are becoming the servants of the sexual activities.

Economic promotion; Nowadays many people tend to promote the use of contraceptives for indirect goals but not reducing the number of people (family planning).They have economical goals, thus even non Governmental organizations (NGOs) tend to sell condoms in different ranges of amount. Example in Tanzania “Dume” condoms are sold at TSH 100/-@1 packet of three condoms,”Salama” is sold at Tsh 200 @3 condoms and “Salama Halisi” is sold at 400 @ 3 condoms. The avocations of condoms therefore is for some reasons more economical based, thus the promotions motivate people to use condoms, pills, implants diaphragm etc.for economic reason.

Useful for temporary leisure; The today society even those who are not aware of the se contraceptives they use, they use them for just leisure .This is mostly to avoid being affected by diseases after sexual intercourse and it is common in today society.” If you search in the pockets of some youths today you may find some kind of contraceptives especially condom which is found anywhere you go, because it is easier to use it and easier to carry it.

However, many people in this world prefer using these contraceptives but some of them are not legally or morally accepted by the society and some of these contraceptives are denied by the community or for some Religious reasons and they include:

Condoms; Nowadays condoms in many parts of the world are not morally accepted being good contraceptives claiming that they motivate many people and has been a reason for the killings of human beings for the sake of perpetuating adultery, thus not much accepted because it paves the way how people may avoid STDs and therefore they don’t fear due to the presence of condoms. Most religious institutions like Muslims and Christians prohibit and deny the uses of condoms for religious interests.
Diaphragm; as it is inserted inside the vagina, it is non socio-being to put any particle in the natural created part. It is evil and invalid to human being as it is decented, thus diaphragm is not by some races, religions, societies or nations generary.Therefore this is contraceptive method but the way it works and the methods to use it are immoral at all.

D).  Factors which lead modern Families to use contraceptives
Life costs: due to the rising of standard of life people try whatever they can to satisfy their life and mostly is through reduction of fertility rate by using contraceptive method and most of the people who experience such conditions are those in legal marriages and illegal marriages thus they tend to decrease the number of children (fertility) by using either condoms, pills, implants, vasectomy and other methods for the sake of making balance of their life. Example in china after socialism they found a policy of one child in the family.(1960)

  Advancement of science and technology; the knowledge of knowing much about the reproductive system and its mechanism influence or motivate many people to engage direct or indirect on the uses of these contraceptive methods such as injections, diaphragm, spermicides, sterilization and many other due to the availability of the mechanical instruments which are used nowadays, example the production of condoms is becoming overproduced but less consumed.

Biological problems; the health problem of the individual in the production process may cause one to use any of the contraceptive methods in order to make safety of his/her life; Example, sterilization is used where by the sperm duct is cut off and hence no any sperms passing through it now it occur often either mother is sick and frequently changing of the menstruation circle hence they activate vasectomy to safe any member of the family.

Economic factor; Prostitutes and womanizers use contraceptives in order to go on conducting sexual business .This occur when the economic status of the individual is low, hence they use contraceptives in order to avoid pregnancies and STDs for continuation of their Economic sexual behaviour of selling their bodies thinking that to be the solution for their poverty.

Educational liberalization; many people tend to motivate and discover other methods of contraception  by applying the skills they acquire but the youth get knowing about many legal and illegal methods of contraception and apply them without reasoning (Logic).They use them randomly as the way of reducing population but most of them commit evil through using these methods. Example education has been a motivation for the use of these contraceptives.

E). Many impacts can be seen when using and applying contraceptives some of which are:
Immorality in the society; A lot of people take this as a norm thus they tend even to misbehave when applying such contraceptive methods. For example, some buyers, users and sellers of condoms are open even to children. This may lead them to adapt some immoral adult behaviours and therefore spoiling morality of the society in the current world.

Unsustainable planning when using these contraceptions; some people stop their reproduction but after a time they desire getting more children which becomes impossible due to unsustainable planning among the family members. This in turn lead some individuals making wrong decisions, this is a contemporary issue in the society.

Dirty/rubbish: In many parts of the Environment especially in big cities and towns people are throwing contraceptives after using them thus environmental pollution.

Death; This may happen if the process of removing reproductive system does not involve a well trained specialist. If the operation is not properly conducted, may lead to death of people subjected to it.

F). Generally, most of contraceptives excluding calendar are bad and illegal in our community because they tend to discern down human dignity.Example, the diaphragm is inserted inside the vagina, thus the claims of having Reproductive organs mechanical spares like Diaphragm are deny the natural creation of God. Therefore in the modern society, all contraceptives like condoms, implants, pills, diaphragms, spermicides, vacectomy, sterilization, withdrawal are against the morality of our society.

Morally, people should know that every where there is “RIGHT TO LIFE” so, it is the right of every individual. By considering the reality, some contraceptives are against the rights of individuals living. People should therefore use natural contraceptives like calendar days because it does not contrast human rights. Other contraceptives like condoms should be abolished to make people aware not to engage into sexual intercourse in early stages of their life .Abolishing of some contraceptives will bring about morality in the society and in the world in general; thus the only agreed contraceptive following menstrual circle.

 The use of contraceptives  in our modern society  seems  to be practiced  by many people. There are many theories  concerning this practices  of contraception. People are sometimes  morally confused  about the licit  use of contraceptives.
A: What does the term contraceptives mean ?
B:Narrate different means which are as a contraceptive methods
C:Why modern men are so engaged in the use of contraception ?
D:There are various factors which lead modern men to use contraception. What is your opinion regarding the morality of such factors ?
E:There are various evil effects which affect the users of contraception. Mention them F:What is your moral suggestions regarding the practices of contraception in the developing countries particularly Tanzania ?


Dr.Clowes Brian (2001), The facts of life; United States of America.

Rev.Hayes J, Edward Et al 1997, Catholicism and Ethics; United States of America.